Fire & EMS Apparatus
Engine 1
Engine 1 is a 2016 Pierce Pumper with a 1,500 gpm pump and seating for six personnel.
Engine 2
*In December of 2023, the MBFD signed a purchase contract to replace our existing Engine 2. Click Here to view drawings of our new engine from CustomFire. Anticipated delivery in fall of 2025.*
Engine 2 is a 2003 Rosenbauer Rescue Pumper with a 1,500 gpm pump and seating for five personnel.
Rescue 56
The Maple Bluff Fire Rescue Department’s ambulance, Rescue 56, is a 2022 Lifeline Victoryliner, Type III, Chevrolet 4500 purchase from Jefferson Fire & Safety. The graphics and vehicle wrap was completed by the Madison Graphics Company. in Sun Prairie, WI.