Building Board

The Village of Maple Bluff’s Building Board is comprised of three appointed and three elected residents tasked with reviewing building and remodeling projects that impact the exterior appearance of properties within the Village of Maple Bluff. The Board’s “design review process” focuses on specific criteria established within village ordinances and must be performed before a permit can be issued. Prior to Building Board consideration, projects are reviewed by village staff to ensure compliance with zoning ordinances and assess potential impact on village infrastructure. As such, only detailed and complete applications can be routed for Building Board review.

Not all building and remodeling projects require Building Board approval – some minor exterior projects may be “administratively approved” while interior work may simply require Building Inspector review prior to permit issuance. To determine what approvals your project requires, and what materials you need to submit, please visit the links below.

The information will guide you through the Building Board, administrative approval, and/or permitting process and further direct you to the documentation you will need to submit for project consideration.

Submission requirements can vary by project. Please  verify zoning compliance of your project and review the application Material Checklist on page 4 of the Building Board Packet prior to submission. Most project submissions require the following items:
  1. Completed building permit application
  2. Detailed project narrative
  3. Site / survey plan and or rendering that details any relevant zoning compliance standards (I.e., setbacks, floor area ratio, impervious surface area ratio, building area, height, elevations, comparison to neighboring structures, etc.)
  4. Sample materials
  5. Photos of the project area
  6. Stormwater runoff and erosion control plans

Upon submission, your project will be routed to appropriate village staff for review. Staff will contact you directly if additional materials or clarifying information is necessary, but we respectfully ask that applications be detailed and complete to expedite the review process. Staff will notify you at least one week prior to the Building Board meeting that your project is, or is not, on the agenda. Projects must be presented by either the property owner or their representative to be considered by the Board and, pending an approval decision, staff will forward the determination to the Building Inspector for permit processing and issuance.

Building Board Meeting Dates

February 13, 2024

March 12, 2024

April 9, 2024

May 14, 2024

June 11, 2024

July 9, 2024

Submission Deadline Dates

January 30, 2024

February 27, 2024

March26, 2024

April 30, 2024

May 28, 2024

June 25, 2024

***Please be aware that village ordinances prohibit certain activities, and a building permit does not authorize a resident or contractor to violate them.***

Specifically, 192-4 prohibits the encroachment or obstruction of any street, alley, sidewalk, public grounds, or land dedicated to public use. Similarly, 166-11 prohibits the parking or storage of accessory vehicles or equipment in the front yard or driveway of any residential lot for more than 10 days per calendar year, and the placement or storage of dumpsters for more than 30 days per calendar year in the same areas of residential lots. Understanding that reasonable circumstances arise which may require exceptions to these ordinances, the Village of Maple Bluff may issue temporary exemption permits for a fee of $25.00 per permit. Street obstruction permit applications can be found online: PERMIT APPLICATION. Temporary accessory vehicle parking and equipment storage permit applications can be found online at Upon approval, payments can be made in-person at the Village Center or PAY ONLINE. Please be aware that permits are subject to denial and/or revocation. Permit applications that are not submitted at least three working days prior may not be honored, as staff require advance notice to coordinate and process each request.

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