Friday, January 27, 2023
Do you like euchre, beer, and neighborly bonding (or just one of those things)? Great – us too! And you won’t want to miss the Maple Bluff Annual Euchre Night! Festivities begin at 6:30 and will feature premium beers & wine, delicious pizza, and a few snacks and treats. Don’t play euchre? No problem at all, we’ll teach you! You will be randomly paired with partners – a fantastic way to meet new friends and neighbors! Registration will end at 7:15pm, followed by rules and tournament play at 7:30 pm. Villagers too chicken to play cards are encouraged to attend and volunteer as beer maidens. Winners in top 3 places receive a cash prize and neighborhood glory. Following the tournament, which will end at approximately 9:30 pm, we will commence with a dance party and firepit fun. Cost is $20/player and includes buy in, pizza and one premium beer or glass of wine. Add unlimited beer/wine for $10. Sign up ahead of time online or the night of the tournament (cash only!).
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors.
Sprinkman Real Estate Wisconsin Distributors
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Snow or no, we are a go for Winterfest 2023! Please join us for the final day of Winterfest celebrations with a family-friendly afternoon. Chili with all the fixings, hot dogs, chips, and cookies, premium beer and wine and water will be provided for all Villagers to enjoy for dinner. Cost is $5 per person for entry to Winterfest (includes dinner) and an additional $5 for unlimited beer/wine.
Check out the following schedule of events:
- 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm – We will have a bonfire roaring with several lawn games including polar bear-penguin bowling, corn hole/bags, and Hammerschlagen!
If the younger set gets a little chilled, we will have coloring supplies and sheets inside the beach house.
- 4:30 pm – Fun Run with prizes for the junior and adult divisions!
- 5:00 pm – Are you the next Happy Gilmore? Take your best shot with the Glow Hockey Challenge! Chip glow in the dark pucks with a hockey stick towards the tee. Closest to the tee wins a prize and bragging rights for the best Hockey Golfers in the Bluff.
- 5:30 pm – Chili Judging & Dinner. Warm yourself up after all that bowling, hammering, running and golfing with the
best chili in the bluff. We are looking for ten competitors to show off their kitchen skills by entering a chili in this hotly anticipated cooking contest. Sign up now! Prize will be given to the top finisher!
***Chili contestants, please label your crockpots on the bottom and plan to pick them up after the cookoff either that evening or the next day. We will not drop off cooking containers.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the following:
- Set up (3—4 pm) 4 volunteers
- Chili Judges – we are in search of 3 noble individuals to help crown Winterfest’s 2023 Chili Queen or King. If you think you have what it takes, please volunteer!
- Clean Up (7 pm – 8 pm) 4 volunteers