29.) How would you address concerns that additional officers would result in increased availability for mutual aid and thus more police activity outside the village?


While mutual aid is an essential component of our policing strategy, the department prioritizes local coverage to ensure that requests do not detract from our primary responsibilities. The primary focus of adding two officers is to enhance coverage and safety within Maple Bluff. Effective coordination and strategic deployment will ensure that additional staffing is utilized primarily for local needs. The increased officer presence will enable us to manage incidents within the village more efficiently, reducing our need for mutual aid reliance.

29.) How would you address concerns that additional officers would result in increased availability for mutual aid and thus more police activity outside the village?2024-07-05T13:23:04-05:00

28.) How would you address concerns that the department will make another request within the next few years, using the same justifications, for more officers to enable 100% coverage?


The current proposal to add two officers is based on a careful assessment of immediate needs and resource availability. While this will not provide two-officer coverage for all shifts, it represents a significant improvement over the current situation and addresses the most critical safety concerns. Future staffing needs will be evaluated based on ongoing assessments of community desires, risk factors, and operational demands. The department remains committed to ensuring that staffing levels align with the evolving needs of the community while balancing fiscal responsibility. By maintaining a proactive approach to staffing assessments, we can ensure that any future requests are both [...]

28.) How would you address concerns that the department will make another request within the next few years, using the same justifications, for more officers to enable 100% coverage?2024-07-05T13:24:43-05:00

27.) How would you address concerns that adding two new officers will increase the department’s recruitment and retention challenges, potentially requiring remedial efforts in the future such as salary/benefit increases or signing/retention bonuses?


I think the addition of two officers will help prevent burnout and turnover by ensuring that officers are adequately supported, and workloads are distributed equitably, thus reducing the strain on individual officers. A work environment that prioritizes officer well-being, purpose, and growth, enhances retention. By proactively addressing these issues, we can maintain a stable and dedicated workforce, ensuring that we continue to meet the community’s safety needs effectively. Salary and benefit increases are marginal and will be a consideration each year, just as they are for all village staff.

27.) How would you address concerns that adding two new officers will increase the department’s recruitment and retention challenges, potentially requiring remedial efforts in the future such as salary/benefit increases or signing/retention bonuses?2024-07-05T13:28:37-05:00

26.) Can you provide more details and examples of how current staffing levels have “limited our capacity to deliver services in critical times”?


Current staffing levels do limit our capacity to deliver services. For example, officers working alone 67% of the time reduces their ability to respond to multiple incidents simultaneously, leading to delays and increased risks during critical situations. Additionally, a significant portion of an officer’s time, approximately 35%, is consumed by administrative tasks, further reducing their availability for patrol and immediate response. These limitations increase our reliance on mutual aid, which can lead to delays in backup and response times during emergent or simultaneous incidents. Fortunately, due to our preventative approach and low crimes rates, residents become aware of these delays infrequently. [...]

26.) Can you provide more details and examples of how current staffing levels have “limited our capacity to deliver services in critical times”?2024-07-05T11:23:53-05:00

25.) In 2020 the village passed a referendum to fill a vacant position and add an officer. The justification for this was lack of 24/7 coverage and officer safety/wellbeing. There was no mention at the time of multiple officer coverage as a need or a goal to reduce risk, but some of these same arguments are now being made to add two more officers. Can you explain what changed in the past four years?


Multiple officer coverage was discussed prior to the 2020 referendum, and we were in imminent jeopardy of not being able to fulfill our single officer 24/7 police coverage obligation - officer welfare was a significant concern of mine. As we looked to address these challenges, our officers experienced several events and conditions that placed further stress on our team, including added workloads and health risks of working through the COVID-19 pandemic, constant need to be prepared for call-ins related to protests and civil disorder, increased criticism and disparaging interactions from the public, and rising incidents of recklessness and obstructive behaviors. These [...]

25.) In 2020 the village passed a referendum to fill a vacant position and add an officer. The justification for this was lack of 24/7 coverage and officer safety/wellbeing. There was no mention at the time of multiple officer coverage as a need or a goal to reduce risk, but some of these same arguments are now being made to add two more officers. Can you explain what changed in the past four years?2024-07-05T13:30:34-05:00

24.) What attempts have been made to engage the Madison North District to coordinate on a policing strategy for the North Sherman corridor that improves coverage for our officers through better use of mutual aid?


The relationship with Madison Police Department’s North District has been in place for many years. Leadership and officers alike, engage in regular communication by phone, through email, dispatch, direct radio contact, and instant messaging. Our officers and supervisors also maintain personal relationships which further enhance these partnerships. These efforts not only improve operational coordination but also build trust and cooperation between agencies. By actively engaging with neighboring agencies and participating in joint initiatives, we ensure that our mutual aid relationships are effective in enhancing public safety.

24.) What attempts have been made to engage the Madison North District to coordinate on a policing strategy for the North Sherman corridor that improves coverage for our officers through better use of mutual aid?2024-07-05T11:22:17-05:00

23.) Are there examples of police departments in jurisdictions of comparable size and tax base with multiple officer coverage?


The Shorewood Hills Police Department (SHPD) provides a comparable example. SHPD operates with 9.5 personnel, including 8 full-time sworn officers and additional support staff, enabling greater two-officer coverage than the Maple Bluff Police Department (MBPD). MBPD operates with fewer personnel but maintains a similar service level and public safety standard. One notable difference between the communities is a larger commercial district in Shorewood Hills – which helps offset homeowner tax burdens for public services.

23.) Are there examples of police departments in jurisdictions of comparable size and tax base with multiple officer coverage?2024-07-05T11:21:36-05:00

22.) Does a department with proactive policies attract officers who want more action and risk?


A proactive approach to policing attracts officers who are motivated by active engagement and crime prevention. This work ethic reinforces effective policing and crime deterrence, contributing to community safety. I think officers who prefer proactive policing are typically those who enjoy the challenges and rewards of taking initiative, developing specialized skills, engaging in meaningful community interactions, and preventing crime.

22.) Does a department with proactive policies attract officers who want more action and risk?2024-07-05T11:20:48-05:00

21.) What’s our recruiting pitch to new officers? Does it differ by demographic? How does it differ from other departments?


The Maple Bluff Police Department emphasizes its mission, vision, values, and professional culture as core elements of its recruiting pitch. This approach attracts candidates aligned with the department's proactive policing and community-focused philosophy, differentiating it from other departments. We also emphasize the unique advantages of working in a smaller department, the ability to make a significant impact, receive comprehensive training, and work in a supportive and collaborative environment. By focusing on these strengths, we attract officers who are committed to proactive policing and community service.

21.) What’s our recruiting pitch to new officers? Does it differ by demographic? How does it differ from other departments?2024-07-05T11:20:01-05:00

20.) Do more proactive policies require more training (especially of younger officers), and what are the financial implications of that, including our return-on-investment?


Regardless of policing strategy, ongoing training is essential to ensure that officers are competent, effective, and aligned with community expectations. Investing in training supports the development of skills and knowledge needed for policing, and especially in an urban post-2020 environment. The risks of underinvestment in officer competency and training are high, and we should learn from the preventable tragedies of the past.

20.) Do more proactive policies require more training (especially of younger officers), and what are the financial implications of that, including our return-on-investment?2024-07-05T13:37:50-05:00
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