Refuse & Recycling
In the Village of Maple Bluff, refuse is collected each Wednesday. Recycling collection is a contracted service with Pellitteri Waste Systems and occurs bi-weekly, on Wednesdays.
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In accordance with Village Ordinance Chapter 186-3 (A.) “Solid Waste containers from all residential and commercial premises shall be placed at the curbline adjacent to the street designated in the published collection schedule.” Placement of these containers should be as such that automatic arms can operate on the recycling trucks. This means that these containers need to be placed away from utility poles, mailboxes, snowbanks and vehicles. Remind neighbors or contractors to not block your containers.
In accordance with Village Ordinance Chapter 186-4, (A.) No container or bag placed for collection shall exceed 50 gallons in capacity or 50 pounds in weight (B.) All rubbish placed for collection shall be placed in suitable containers… (C.) Any garbage or rubbish not placed for collection in accordance with the provisions of this chapter may be refused by collector (D.) All persons having solid waste, including recyclable materials, shall place the same in suitable containers not sooner than 24 hours prior to the regularly scheduled collection time, and no person shall permit solid waste or containers thereof to accumulate or remain at the curbline longer than 12 hours thereafter.
Pickup every other week. Pellitteri Waste Systems provides containers for recycling pickup. Recyclables can be placed curbside the night before, or prior to 6 a.m. on the scheduled day of collection.