Snow Removal
The Village of Maple Bluff can experience high levels of snowfall each winter season. When snow/freezing rain events do occur, the responsibility to clear public streets, sidewalks and public parking areas is that of the Public Works Department. Please travel at safe distances behind the snowplows as serious injury or even death could occur from whiteout conditions.
Public Works makes every effort in the timely removal of snow and icing operations. Please keep in mind that several factors may play a role in the said operations. These include: time and duration of snowfall, type of snow, temperature before and after, high winds/drifting, snow accumulation, etc.
Residential/Commercial Snow Responsibilities
If residents have paid a contractor for snow removal services, these ordinances apply to them as well. Should your contractor violate these ordinances, the owner/occupant is liable for ordinance violations.
Village Ordinance Chapter 192-6 Snow & Ice Removal
- Sidewalks to be kept clear. The owner or occupant of any lot or parcel shall promptly each day remove all snow and ice which may have fallen or accumulated upon the sidewalk in front of such lot or parcel, provided that when ice has so formed that it cannot be removed, the owner or occupant shall keep the same sprinkled with a material which will prevent the sidewalk from being dangerous to pedestrians. If the owner or occupant fails to comply, the Director of Public Works shall cause the snow or ice to be removed or sprinkled as required at the cost of the property owner or occupant.
- Deposit in streets restricted. No person shall cause to be deposited snow from his premises onto the sidewalk abutting thereon or onto any street in the Village without a permit therefor from the Director of Public Works, who may require payment of fee sufficient to reimburse the Village for the cost of removing any snow so deposited.
In the event of forecasted snow, please park your vehicles off the streets to allow for snow removal and emergency personnel to access residential and commercial homes.