2024 Board of Review Sessions

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

2024 Assessment Open Book and Board of Review Sessions The 2024 Open Book session will be held by phone with the assessor on Tuesday April 30th, 2024, 10:00am – noon. Please call 920-749-1995 to schedule an appointment. If the assessor is not available when you call to make an appointment, please leave a message and they will make every effort to return your call within 24 hours. Please provide your name, phone number, that your property is in the Village of Maple Bluff, and the Parcel Number from your assessment notice or tax bill. If you are unable to come to [...]

Municipal Court

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Village of Maple Bluff Municipal Court Municipal Judge 608-244-3069 Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk Rene Dopkins 608-244-3069 rdopkins@villageofmaplebluff.com Village Prosecutor Axley Brynelson 608-257-5661 Payment Options: Traffic/Municipal Ordinance citations can be paid in several ways: Drop them off at the Village Center at 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Mail a copy of the citation and payment to: Maple Bluff Municipal Court, 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 We also accept credit card payments. To pay by credit card visit our Municipal Credit Card Payment website. To successfully complete an online payment, please include your citation number.

Memorial Day

Village of Maple Bluff Maple Bluff, United States

Memorial Day  On this Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who’ve given their lives to defend our country. The Village office will be closed in observance of this solemn federal holiday.

Special Village Board Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Special Village Board Meeting 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 May 30, 2024, 5:00pm Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84775068428  

Event Series Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting

Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting First Monday of each month at noon 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. As of March 1, 2022, village meetings have transition to hybrid (in person and virtual) participation. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting: […]

Bocce 2024

Beach Park - Village of Maple Bluff 365 Lakewood Blvd., Madison, WI, United States

Bocce 2024 - 20th Annual Benefit For Parks & Recreation Dept. The Bocce Bash is an annual party held the first weekend in June to raise much needed funds for our village parks. We put on a bocce tournament, host a delicious dinner, and open up a bar right at the Beach House! Attendees also have the chance to buy tickets to neighborhood parties throughout the year, bid on unique gift baskets, and take home vouchers for amazing experiences! If you would like to donate to this event, please contact Ellen Reyerson, ereyerson@villageofmaplebluff.com. Registration                      […]

Event Series Building Board Meeting

Building Board Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Building Board Meeting Second Tuesday of Each Month, 5:15pm 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Village of Maple Bluff meetings transitioned to hybrid (in person and virtual) participation. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88599476105

Fathers Day Parade

Johnson Park - Village of Maple Bluff 35 Bayside Drive, Madison, WI, United States

Father's Day Parade Calling all dads! Please join us this Sunday, June 16, 2023, 9:00am, at Johnson Park for the annual Father's Day Parade. Dads will parade from Johnson to Beach Park with a police, fire, and garbage truck escort. Light refreshments will be served at Beach Park.  

Municipal Court

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Village of Maple Bluff Municipal Court Municipal Judge 608-244-3069 Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk Rene Dopkins 608-244-3069 rdopkins@villageofmaplebluff.com Village Prosecutor Axley Brynelson 608-257-5661 Payment Options: Traffic/Municipal Ordinance citations can be paid in several ways: Drop them off at the Village Center at 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Mail a copy of the citation and payment to: Maple Bluff Municipal Court, 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 We also accept credit card payments. To pay by credit card visit our Municipal Credit Card Payment website. To successfully complete an online payment, please include your citation number.

Special Village Board Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Special Village Board Meeting 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 June 21, 2024, 3:00pm Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84786390717  

Event Series Concerts In The Park

Concerts In The Park

Beach Park - Village of Maple Bluff 365 Lakewood Blvd., Madison, WI, United States

The Village of Maple Bluff Welcomes: Reverend Raven and the Chain Smokin' Altar Boys on Monday, June 24, 2024, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Beach Park.  

Event Series Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting

Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting *Cancelled*

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

*July's Meeting Cancelled* Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting First Monday of each month at noon 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. As of March 1, 2022, village meetings have transition to hybrid (in person and virtual) participation. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. […]

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