Fire & EMS Prevention – Code Enforcement

Fire Prevention:

The Maple Bluff Fire Rescue Department is committed to creating a safe community through education and fire code enforcement. Our focus is on fire prevention and protection for citizens and the business community.

Each Year our department conducted numerous fire safety tours and presentations to groups of all ages.

Our Fire Department Open House during Fire Prevention Week sees more than 100 attendees annually. Our crews also performed community outreach with youth groups such as Camp Ya-Gotta-Wanna.

If you are interested in scheduling a presentation for your group or organization, please contact Assistant Chief Thane Westermeyer at or 608.244.3390.

Here are some photos from the 2022 Dane County Fire Chiefs Association Fire Truck Parade.

EMS Prevention:

CPR Training: According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, with over 600,000 deaths each year. CPR is essential in helping heart disease victims and people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest. Promptly and adequately performed CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) can dramatically improve someone’s chance of survival. The Maple Bluff Fire Rescue Department’s Community Outreach and EMS Prevention Division will be offering CPR classes throughout 2022. We will offer a variety of classes tailored to suit the needs of the community. Please contact Assistant Fire Chief Thane Westermeyer,, with any questions.

Code Enforcement:

In addition to providing public education through presentations and tours, our code enforcement officers performed over 60 fire inspections each year. Public buildings are inspected on a regular basis by Fire Department personnel to ensure safe conditions. The types of buildings inspected include businesses, restaurants, places of worship, schools, and other buildings that could pose significant risks to its occupants or the public.

If you have any questions concerning fire inspections in the Village of Maple Bluff, please contact Capt. Al Freitag, or 608.244.3390.


Knox Box:

The Knox-Box is a secure rapid entry system developed for property owners and fire departments. Any time there is a fire, medical emergency, automatic alarms, or any other emergencies that the Maple Bluff Fire Rescue Department would respond to, the Knox Box allows immediate entry into your home, business, or other property without having to use any forcible entry, which would only damage your property, and cause delays in reaching your emergency. With the Knox-Box you simply store your keys in the high security box mounted near your entrance. When you have an emergency we release the master key located on our fire apparatus, allowing us access to your box and your keys. For more information, please contact the MBFD 608-244-3390 or submit your questions here. One of our Fire Officers will be in contact with you. The Village of Maple Bluff has an ordinance requiring lock box installation on commercial properties.

Start your Knox Box online order, visit (Your local fire service/agency is “Maple Bluff Fire Dept.”)



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