Special Village Board Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Special Village Board Meeting 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 September 23, 2024, 5:30pm Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda and packet of materials. Please follow the link below to participate virtually in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84420667976  

Event Series Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting

Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting First Monday every other month at noon 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Packet. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86888719954 You can also dial in using your phone (audio only): Dial in at: (312) 262-6799      Meeting ID: 868 8871 9954    

Event Series Building Board Meeting

Building Board Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Building Board Meeting Second Tuesday of Each Month, 5:15pm 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Village of Maple Bluff meetings transitioned to hybrid (in person and virtual) participation. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88599476105

Village Board Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Village Board Meeting Second Tuesday of Each Month, 7:30pm 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Village Board Packet 10/08/2024 As of March 1, 2022, village meetings have transition to hybrid (in person and virtual) participation. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Join Zoom […]

Fire Department Open House

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

The Maple Bluff Fire Rescue Department invites you to attend the annual Open House as part of Fire Prevention Month. The Open House will be held at the Village Center and will allow attendees the chance to see the ambulance, ride in the fire truck, try on fire gear, and have a chance to win prizes. We hope to see you there.  

Referendum Public Informational Session

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Referendum Public Informational Session Tuesday, October 15th, 5:30pm Maple Bluff Village Center, 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Attend Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5776856753?omn=83460636755 The Village of Maple Bluff faces challenges in maintaining the delivery of services to its residents. The increasing costs of operations coupled with rising demands for services, insufficient staffing, and budget shortfalls strain the Village’s ability to serve its community. Despite efforts to keep staff levels and costs to village residents low, growing demands have surpassed staff capacity. The Village Board approved Resolution 2024-05 "A Resolution to hold a public referendum to increase the Village Levy" at a Special […]

Municipal Court

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Village of Maple Bluff Municipal Court Municipal Judge 608-244-3069 Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk Rene Dopkins 608-244-3069 rdopkins@villageofmaplebluff.com Village Prosecutor Axley Brynelson 608-257-5661 Payment Options: Traffic/Municipal Ordinance citations can be paid in several ways: Drop them off at the Village Center at 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Mail a copy of the citation and payment to: Maple Bluff Municipal Court, 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 We also accept credit card payments. To pay by credit card visit our Municipal Credit Card Payment website. To successfully complete an online payment, please include your citation number.

Office Closure

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Due to staff training and planned vacations, the Administration Office will be closed on Friday, October 18th. Payments and absentee ballots should be placed in the deposit box inside the Village Center vestibule.

Event Series Building Board Meeting

Building Board Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Building Board Meeting Wednesday, October 23 at 12:00pm 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Village of Maple Bluff meetings transitioned to hybrid (in person and virtual) participation. Please follow the link below to virtually participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82374448733

Halloween: Costume Parade

Fireman's Park - Village of Maple Bluff Woodland Circle, Madison, United States

Join us on Halloween for the spookiest parade you’ve ever seen. Witches & Ghosts- you’re in for a scare. We hope to see you there! Date: Sunday October 27, 2024 – 10:00am – 12:00pm Details: Meet at Fireman’s park at 9:45am. Parade to start promptly at 10am and will end at Beach Park where we’ll have yard games, snacks, and of course candy for all participants. Costume awards will be given for best group costume, spookiest, and most creative.    

Halloween: Trick or Treating

Halloween can easily be one of the most fun and exciting times of the year for kids and families. The Village recommends trick-or-treat hours between 4:00pm to 8:00pm on October 31st. Residents who wish to participate are encouraged to display an exterior light on their porch or their garage indicating they are distributing candy. Safety Tips: If a house does not have exterior lights illuminated, they are more than likely not participating. Avoid stopping at their door and do not ring their doorbell. Wear reflective clothing, especially after dark. Bring a flashlight or glow sticks for vehicles and others to see […]

Finance Committee Meeting

Maple Bluff Village Center 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI, United States

Finance Committee Meeting November 7, 2024 10:00am Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda and supporting materials. Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5776856753?omn=89420446873

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